19 March 2008

What is this all about?

As I’ve said in the description for this blog I have been fortunate enough to live (not just travel to) on 2 continents other than my own over the past 2 years. I specified lived as opposed to travel, because I believe you see things a bit differently when you stay in one place for a while. Does that mean I have all the answers? Definitely not. I also realise that some have seen, been to and lived in more places that I have in my life and that’s why I have hesitated somewhat to use the world (global).

That said I hope to thrash out a few things I have observed, learnt and questioned along the way. I know some will probably disagree with where my stance on some things and to date I have already had people tell me “that’s the way things are”. I guess maybe I’m just too stubborn, pig-headed or “harregat” (you may understand that if you are South African) to simply accept things as they are. My suggestion is let’s ask some questions and see where they take us…

While this wasn't my plan I find it somewhat, or at the very least interesting, that I'm posting this first entry on the 5th anniversary of a very visible and illegal actions by the nation whose actions and policies that some would say have contributed significantly to the global challenges we face today... The action in question is the US-led invasion of Iraq...


1 comment:

Bonnie Henna said...

Hey ....Yeah !I'm totally feeling your headspace right now !we are well,in london after six months in L.A,trying to figure out the whole work permit thing so we can work,we are not ready to go back to S.A,and would like to continue travelling ,although we need to find a way of sustaining ourselves financially!

I would love to hear some of your thoughts on the now five year old iraq invasion and the seemingly relentless anger of so called islamic extremists,what do you think is fanning this anger at present !

I just finished reading a book ,Barack Obama's-Audacity of Hope,it offers some suggestions on what can be done to rectify mistakes made in U.S foreign policy in the past and even present-it is honest and doesn't point a fingers and focuses on what can be done to move forward!

i have been thinking more and more about studying,Journalism with a bit of politics thrown in ,i have a heart that reels aginst injustice and would like to become a voice for those unable to speak for themselves and also aid in my small way to finding solutions !

keep going !bonnie