05 May 2008

"Little George" and Climate Issues...

I’ve been watching a TV show recently that is an animated parody of the actions of the current White House administration (although realistically it doesn’t take much creativity, the material is there for the taking). The name of the show is “Lil George” and I think it’s a great show – also look out for “That’s my Bush”… Anyway, back to the matter at hand…

Recently I was watching a podcast from Reuters on some things that George said recently on what needs to be done on the climate change issue and reducing “carbon emissions” etc. What I found so ridiculous is that he was making those claims. To date the USA has avoided any accountability under the “Kyoto Protocol”, something that has been signed by numerous nations around the world, but now wants to make claims and instructions about what needs to be done. Where does this presumptive authority and moral leadership come from? It’s especially puzzling that this “leadership” (something that the Secretary of State also said that the USA needs to “reclaim”) is without any significant and genuine accountability. I have to wonder if this kind of political posturing from a (as author Phillip Pullman says) “moral criminal” actually convinces anyone of any substance behind the claims. To me it appears that this is nothing more than posturing aimed at trying to place US policies in a positive light despite the unwillingness to be held accountable.

I know some would say that I tend to pick on George and his accomplices, but the fact is that the position they claim on the world stage makes them prime targets for criticism. I read a while back that there are “too many politicians in politics” today. What I understood by this is that there are too may people posturing and pretending while in public office, as opposed to people who actually want to do something with that office.

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